
Saturday, 21 January 2012

Sausage, Feta and Caramelised onion pizza.


This is now my phrase for when something goes really really well in the cooking world.

Om Nom Gawd.

If you still don't get it it's like OMG. ONG. See? Pffffffft to you if you don't.

This pizza takes a while to do. I cheated and bought a garlic pizza bread (not a pizza base) but you still have to slave over a hot stove for a good 30 minutes.

But then someone gave me crumble which made my day :D

Om Nom Gawd Pizza

Based on a BBC Good Food Recipe that can be found here.

4 chipolatas
1/2 an onion
100g feta
1 garlic pizza bread
1 clove Garlic
1/2 tbsp brown sugar

1. Remove the skins from the skins from the chipolatas (stop sniggering, you dirty people... you'll understand when you're doing it)
2. Put the sausages into a pan on medium-high, chopping them up into small bits with whatever you're stirring it with.
3. While this is happening, chop up half an onion.
4. Take them out when browned and start cooking the onion in the sausage fat on high.
5. After about 5 mins, turn the hob down a bit and add a little water to the onions. Keep them cooking for a while longer, adding water every so often. After 10 minutes, add the brown sugar (I was using muscovado) and a chopped clove of garlic. Keep cooking until nicely browned (not completely caramelised unless you're exceptionally patient).
6. Pop the onion on the pizza base (no tomato sauce here!), dot the sausage pieces around artistically, and then top with crumbled feta.
7. Cook for as long as the garlic bread says.

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