
Saturday, 21 January 2012

Delia's Toad in the hole for one

So, since being back at uni I've decided to start cooking for myself. Every day. So I'm currently working through recipes from a variety of different sources, including t'internet: in this case, a youtube video of Delia Smith's "One is Fun".

I must confess I've never seen any Delia before.

But, in it's charming 80's (?) way, I loved it. So have a charming 80's photograph of it.

Ok, my creation isn't quite as beautiful as hers, though the thing she got out wasn't a beauty queen either. Mine's a little too flat, it seems - the pan might have been a bit too big...

But I didn't care when I ate it. Granted, I adore toad in the hole, but I really think this would be a strong contender for standard recipe!

A small amphibian in the proverbial hole in 10 easy steps

This is basically a summary of the video that can be found here.

4/5 chipolatas
1oz plain flour
1 egg
1/2 tsp mixed herbs
1 egg
2tbsp milk
1/2 a large or 1 small onion

1. Fry the chipolatas and half an onion for about 10 minutes
2. Preheat the grill to really hot
3. Sift the plain flour into a bowl
4. Add some salt and pepper, and ½ a tsp of mixed herbs
5. Add the egg
6. Whisk with electric whisk until egg incorporated
7. Add 2 tbsp of milk
8. Whisk until all lumps gone
9. Pour it evenly and between the sausages (the pan must be really hot before you put the batter)
10. Pop the whole lot under the VERY HOT grill for about 10 minutes (you might need to turn it occasionally, mine spun about quite happily in the pan after a while)

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