
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

The "What do you do with a Pack of Soft, Ancient Ginger Nuts and a Glut of Filling for Cheesecake?" Cheesecake

I think you do this with it.


Well, actually it's not that mini, it was a perfectly acceptable size for any shop bought cheesecake, tasted infinitely better than one, and improved with age (according to my parents and brother who got left with it while me and my boyfriend gallavanted off with the full-sized cheesecake... don't worry, they're getting some of that tonight!)

It even had real, fresh fruit on top. So fresh that there was still a live insect in it. He's now living happily in our garden.

Quite bizzarely, this one actually rose an awful lot better than the main one, and as I'd learned to watch for the top-browning, seemed to cook better too, being rather more solid when it came out (though eventually, despite initially panicking that I'd taken the main event out too early and it would be too wobbly, it firmed up and the texture was almost the most complimented thing).

 It did brown around the edges a lot more than we were expecting though...

So we took a bite each to check it tasted fine. It did. We covered our tracks with dayglo raspberry gloop.

The recipe is the same one used here, which originally comes from Smitten Kitchen... and the lesson I learned is that if the topping (or, in this case, a sort of sauce) recipe you are following is for cherries, think carefully about the kind of fruit you are substituting. Raspberries have a rather different... er... skin. And a tendency to completely dissolve when any heat is applied.

But it tasted good.

Much cheesecake was eaten by all this weekend.

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