
Friday, 2 March 2012

Tomato and Egg Toast - the student version

My lunches tend to be fairly boring - porridge, actually. I can live on the stuff because I think it's delicious beyond belief, very warming, and fills you up far more than it should for the calories. But even I recognise that you can have too much of a good thing, and I had a loaf of bread to use up and a pasta sauce tub waving at me from the fridge. Erp.  You know us students, we live on pasta (supposedly)... I actually only had it this week because Tesco had a really nice sauce and some posh Cappellini on offer. I'd say using a nice simple tomato and basil sauce like I did, not one of the creamy cheesy ones, works better, but I can't vouch for this so just experiment with your leftovers. Alternatively, making your own sauce really isn't that difficult!

Anyway, there are far more complicated versions of this recipe around, but I'd call this the student version. The toast becomes soaked in the sauce and the egg is a really nice contrast in flavour and texture. Every time I have some pasta on the menu, this is now definitely going to be lunch the next day. I think I might even have to start having pasta more often...

Some more complicated versions can be found here, at "Smitten Kitchen", and here, at "A Pastry Affair". They both springboarded off the same recipe, then I springboarded off theirs. One of the main differences is that they both poached the eggs - I fried mine in Fry Light, so not too unhealthy, but mainly because poaching isn't something I've yet tried. The other variation is that they made their sauce... I was using leftovers.

Another nice variation - or perhaps the original! - is Shakshuka, which is definitely on the cards sometime.

Please excuse the truly terrible photo, I had enough battery left to turn the camera on and immediately take the photo wherever it happened to be pointing... I never knew eggs were so reflective!

Tomato and Egg Toast for pasta-guzzling students

Leftover pasta sauce (around about 125g, or enough to generously drizzle over 2 pieces of toast)
1 egg
2 slices bread

1. Fry an egg.
2. Warm up your pasta sauce in the microwave or on the hob.
3. Cook and lightly butter the toast.
4. Pour the pasta sauce over the toast.
5. Flop the egg on the top.
If you need more instructions than that (in fact, if you needed the instructions at all), just get thee to a kitchen...

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