
Friday, 24 February 2012

New Camera Excitement! Dulce de leche brownie photos...

It's here! After a long and convoluted saga involving 1 broken S2500HD being sent to me, an angry email, an upgrade, and the replacement being delivered to the wrong end of the country, I finally have my brand spanking new Fujifilm Finepix S2950 bridge camera and I adore it already. So I'm sorry that this is a rehash of an already done recipe but I've been saving a bit for my boyfriend to try when visiting, and it seemed like a good subject for trying out my 2cm super-macro!

And now that I am no longer stuck with a horrendous lens and 5 megapixels, I don't need to try and disguise my photos with pseudo-artiness and borders. Pixlromatic, you have served me well, but your services are required no more. Toodle-pip.

p.s. I have just been informed that "Toodle Pip" must now become my catchphrase. Remind me if I forget it.

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