
Saturday, 21 January 2012

Hairy's Bikers Lemon Drool - no, wait, drizzle - Cake

Hmm, that's not the most appealing title ever...

Well, Nan has always made a really good lemon drizzle cake. Then I was drooling over the Hairy Biker's "Mum's know best" cookbook, which seems to be one of the best reviewed cookbooks on the whole of Amazon... and lo and behold, waterstones had a sample pdf...

It's fun yet easy to make... A big thanks to my boyfriend for helping to whip it up, conducting scientifically rigorous taste testing, and also for modelling the plate for the photo. He deserves an extra special mention as, being a student, I don't have all that many utensils and therefore he had to suffer trying to zest lemons first with a bread knife, then with a cheese slice (don't tell him that a week later I found a potato peeler in the back of the cupboard that would have made it a darn sight easier...)

Anyway, it's an awesome recipe. I've always wanted to be able to make lemon drizzle cake (or, in this case, loaf)... although next time I'd probably go a bit easier on the sugary topping. My boyfriend disagreed and said that his favourite part was the top half, with the lemony sauce and crunchiness.

The solution to this is obviously to cut the cake horizontally in future

Get the recipe here.

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